Friday, February 20, 2009

the ultimate farmers daughter

Last weekend I was at home for a hen’s party as my cousin is getting married today! My mother also held a Kitchen Tea for her on Sunday. There fore I was the ultimate Farmer’s daughter rushing in off the farm to help make Peti fours, drinking cups of tea and dolling myself up to help entertain guests.
Oh how i miss it now living in the city!
With the dogs on the back of the truck barking at anything that moves we drove around the sheep farm up in the hills. It’s so mesmerizing watching the rolling hills sit like layers of pastry, speckled with sheep, bush and fence lines. My brother showed me where they had been hunting and shot two deer a few nights beforehand. It’s some how comforting to be reminded that no matter what life throws at you you always have home; the land to come back to and rely upon as it gives you all the necessities for living.

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