Tuesday, March 10, 2009

hats in all shapes and sizes

Last weekend I spent time in the Hawkes Bay visiting a friend. I just love things that are old things from the past decades and Napier is well known for the art deco period. So we couldn’t resit popping into a few antique shops and having a squiz around. The jewellery, gloves and bits and pieces, so much to take in! However this time it was the hats that took my fancy! Here are a few of our favourites (to come, as they are up on my friend’s camera in the bay).

It reminded me of all the hat pins my Nana gave us earlier in the year. My Nana use to be make all her own dresses, hats, shoes and handbags so I have been completely inspired to her to teach me some of the tricks of the trade so I can make my own hats! Watch this space!

I was disappointed to find out that the week before they had a whole week celebrating it. The main occasion being the long lunch. How fun it would have been to dress up to the nines and dine at the250 meter long dining table by the sea side.

It’s funny how you seem to attract a particular thing all at once. Today I see Hannah + London has a post “i hat it when”. Ha, great minds...

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