Friday, November 6, 2009

sweet knitters

Just down the road from me on Vivian street is an empty lot. Some sweet people have decided to give the sad little spot some much needed love with a bit of colourful, cheerful knitting. Isn't it sweet.


Amee Vang said...

awe that's super cute.

Daydream Lily said...

pretty pretty.

Clare said...

Wow that is so cute. Could you work out how it was done?

annie said...

Yeah it's actually pretty simple. They've just wound the wool around each diamond to create a heart shape. Almost like colouring in pixels but real life :)

stiX said...

Glad you like it! ;)

Unknown said...

Wellington Knitterati strikes again??

Anonymous said...

Above all the pictures are great stuff. I like your blog pictures. Its looks great stuff. Is simple and perfect collections.

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Hercules sport said...

Wow that is so cute. Could you work out how it was done?
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