Monday, April 27, 2009

I’m glad dreams are free

Tuesday Crunch...
I have chosen this image because it reminds me of dreaming. I love everything about dreaming, the softness, the warmth, the freedom, the excitement, the waking to find yourself drooling on your pillow and falling back into your wonderland. But most of all I love that dreams are free because I day dream a lot  Happy day dreaming fellow day dreamers x

SOURCE: weheartit

rip and scrunch

I’m loving the new passion Pit video. Their visual and ausio aesthetic match so well.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

reusing beautiful objects

Very sweet. I love the reuse of beautiful china. It reminds me of this post.

SOURCE: decor8

Happy Birthday to me! Tomorrow is my birthday, and while I don’t get overly excited about my birthday anymore I did want to share this picture with you in recognition. Yum birthday cupcake! Very sweet.

SOURCE: little doodles

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Sorry I haven’t posted for a while. I have just got back from Thailand and promise to post some photos for you soon. In the mean time there is a new post by us on the farmer’s daughters. xxx

Monday, April 6, 2009

a little horrifed

I went to find my image for Tuesday crunch. However when I looked at page 254 it was filled with graphic 50’s styled porn. Usually this sort of thing doesn’t bother me (as you may have noticed from my earlier post) but being in the work place and taken unawares I was simply horrified. So when I returned later this afternoon to re discover pg 254 once more I was stoked my page looked a little more like the above. There fore I had to share a page view today rather than a single image.
Ever so sweet, enjoy.

too sweet

A little something for the ladies to brighten up your tuesday. Too sweet!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

sisterly love

My sister and I have started a blog together it is all very exciting! As young girls we play with the role that we are expected to play in the little movie called life; the expectation of a farming lifestyle and the social standard that comes with it. I hope you enjoy as we have many fun concepts to share with you and the first post is already so sweet. Enjoy xxx